An experimental short film (trilogy) based on the performance of the same name by Rebecca Lenaerts. In three chapters we follow Birdwoman being born into this world, only to disappear again at the end, to another realm.
Lenaerts started collecting bird feathers on the streets of Berlin in 2015. Looking at the ground, it became a search and find. Collecting the feathers grew into a ritual of washing, drying and preserving. In 2018 she sewed the feathers one-by-one on a blanket. A monk's work. During a creation process of nine months Birdwoman was born. In ancient mythology, Birdwoman is the gatekeeper between the human and animal world.
Chapter 1. Still
Still. Waiting. Moving. Observing. Hiding. Touching. Careful... Are you ready to come out now ?
Performance: Rebecca Lenaerts
Direction & Edit: Céline Pourveur
Image: Adrien Médy
Dance coach: Tijen Lawton
Electro: Kellan Smith
Production: rhizom-art & Rebecca Lenaerts
Distribution: rhizom-art
With the support of: GC De Kriekelaar
Technical specs
4'30, HD, 16:9, colour, short film
No dialogue
Screening link available at personal request.
Read more here on the performance Still a Bird
Read more on Rebecca Lenaerts (English version below)